miércoles, 5 de julio de 2023


The post you most enjoyed writing is the one about the trip because you like Egypt and its culture. 

The post you liked writing the least is the one about reality, I don't know, I don't like it.  

The blog you most enjoyed reading, the truth is that I don't remember, I'm bad at remembering things, especially if I have to read them. It has helped me to write better in English, although there are words that I forget. 

What things have you liked to be able to write I think and what things have you not liked about using the blog I don't understand the system, it's like a weird system or I don't know but I don't like the system

lunes, 19 de junio de 2023

ingles class

 Unit 1: Learning Circles 

context two moms in a park I know that their children play together and are partners. 

this is divided into 4 sections the first is a single video more or less long, the second activity is a video then some questions of alternatives of the same video, the third activity is the same video with the same context but said in another way and ends better, then has a questionnaire of 3 questions from the video, the 4 atividad see based on listening to the words, ocea pronunciation. 

I guess it is useful to know how to relate in a better way. 

The second activity has 3 parts, the first one is a video, and the 3 questions. 

context two women drink tea, one of them has a toothache and calls the dentist. 

same video, different ending, another 3 questions, same as the previous activity, video explaining the pronunciation of the key words of the video.

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

family crazy

 The family meal I remember was in about 2018 this was in tata emilio  plot of land the meeting was in arica as most of the family are from there, the plot is 15 minutes from arica, it is almost arriving to the airport and the border. ,When and where it was is the first let's start with my great grandmother had 21 children and 2 of them were from a previous marriage sou they have the surname Araya , become is onther has the surname Saez , also the Godoy's come into play who are my cousins, on my great grandfather's side, 3 of the Godoy's married into the Araya family and also into the Saez family, in fact there are 2 brothers of the Godoy's who married into the Saez family, we have the half mortadella entanglement in the family , ok is the family who were Araya , Godoy y Saez .Well, we arrived at 11 am to prepare the grills, which were 6 grills also salads poteto , and lettuce , reality not is di remember well ; That day a lot of things happened between fights, reunions, memories of the main branches of the family , one of the things that I remember the most is that all the younger cousins that we were good teenagers went to bother Tata to let us into the pool (we had been all afternoon in the pool) and another thing that happened is that my uncle Carlin stayed in his boxer shorts, then he got branches on his hips and started to dance this happened at 2 am or later, in the early morning process they started to fight because he lost a mobile phone Well, after all this, they kept on bashing until 11am another day, good family reunion . 

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023


 My do travel Egipo and Falestine become country it is about musli and much culture ,also for the history it has, and the geophryphics, mummies, really the whole culture is very beautiful as well as very bloody, sou my grandfather is  beit-jala small town the Falestine and also my grandfather's father was from the Berbers (barbarians) or Amaziges (free men), a community of nomads who came to Egypt, which are now extinct, I would really like to know much more about the culture since I have part of it.

reallity dilike travel lonely  am my verry mucho travel alone happens better no one stresses you and if something happens to you is not dragging someone else to something ,I would like to spend a year in each place to get to know it well, and to explore the most hidden places and to get lost in the desert to get to know more communities

and also to be able to enter the mosques, enter all the museums go to all the neighborhoods, all the pyramids that it has, and in falestine I would like to close all its cities and all the villages to see the war up close to live what you have to endure every day

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

instagram " wueon feo "

this instagram page is about memes, it's called "wueon feo", it's about memes: this are images or videos, reels that make you laugh, or are sad, or are usually moved I started to discover it because I follow many pages that deal with the same content, and one day I appeared in suggestion, and I quite liked the content actually I really like memes and also because I have many friends in common, almost most of the pages that I follow are only memes, I prefer to have a good time laughing at someone who fell or a simple meme. and I visit it very often actually almost always, well I almost always see memes from this site its 2 or 3 times a day because they upload a lot of content and it can be variable the frequency in which I get the posts, but I almost never enter the site itself, plus there are so many memes a day that is a lot if you want to look for one that you missed. 

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023



Well, I wasn't such a little girl, but it is a place that I find interesting, well… I went to the Cave de Anzota, this is location  in Arica, almost reaching the end, I went with my aunt, my aunt's friend from the university, my two cousins, la lía who is the eldest and my little cousin the monkey (tomas), these caves have a lot of pictograms, bats too, lizards, and many many birds of various species, many of these places no longer exist in Chile, and there fore I love that, I remember that it is a day we walked to  the heart( lo corazones ) beach, it has white sand and crystal clear water and it is half hidden                                                                        


The post you most enjoyed writing is the one about the trip because you like Egypt and its culture.  The post you liked writing the least is...