miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

instagram " wueon feo "

this instagram page is about memes, it's called "wueon feo", it's about memes: this are images or videos, reels that make you laugh, or are sad, or are usually moved I started to discover it because I follow many pages that deal with the same content, and one day I appeared in suggestion, and I quite liked the content actually I really like memes and also because I have many friends in common, almost most of the pages that I follow are only memes, I prefer to have a good time laughing at someone who fell or a simple meme. and I visit it very often actually almost always, well I almost always see memes from this site its 2 or 3 times a day because they upload a lot of content and it can be variable the frequency in which I get the posts, but I almost never enter the site itself, plus there are so many memes a day that is a lot if you want to look for one that you missed. 

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023



Well, I wasn't such a little girl, but it is a place that I find interesting, well… I went to the Cave de Anzota, this is location  in Arica, almost reaching the end, I went with my aunt, my aunt's friend from the university, my two cousins, la lía who is the eldest and my little cousin the monkey (tomas), these caves have a lot of pictograms, bats too, lizards, and many many birds of various species, many of these places no longer exist in Chile, and there fore I love that, I remember that it is a day we walked to  the heart( lo corazones ) beach, it has white sand and crystal clear water and it is half hidden                                                                        


The post you most enjoyed writing is the one about the trip because you like Egypt and its culture.  The post you liked writing the least is...